A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
(a) Usually refers to an Internet machine name; for example,
(b) The name you use to say who is supposed to receive an
electronic-mail(email) message. An email address consists of the person's
user name and, if the person is on a different computer than you are, the
name of the computer.
absolute address
An URL that includes the full Internet address of the machine on which
the HTML file resides; for example,
A set of protocols that allows you to use files on other network machines
as if they were local to your own machine. So, rather than using FTP to
transfer a file to your local computer, using AFS you would be able to
read it, write it, or edit it on the remote computer while using the same
commands you would use locally. Very similar in concept to NFS, though it
provides better performance. AFS is not yet in widespread use, but a
commercial version is currently available from a company called
IBM's version of UNIX.
Pop-up window that displays a message to the user. The user must click
the "OK" button to proceed.
A location within an HTML document that is invisibly "marked" with HTML
tags. Links can point to this anchor, and take the user to specific
locations within one HTML document.
anonymous ftp
Uses the ftp file transfer program and the Internet to copy files from
other computers to your own. It is anonymous because many computer
systems allow anyone to log in and transfer files without having
accounts (user names) on the computer. You type anonymous as the user
name and your email address as the password.
Another name for a Java miniprogram. Applets are the Java elements that
are run through Java-enabled browsers. In JavaScript, these are called
"scripts" rather than applets.
(a) Software that performs a particular useful function for you. Examples
being applications for email, world wide web browsing, etc.
(b) The useful function itself, e.g., transferring files is a useful
application of the Internet.
A system for locating files that are publicly available by anonymous
Something that appears on a command line after the command. Suppose you
type this line:
cp old.file new.file
In this command, cp is the name oft he command or program, old.file is
the first argument, and new.file is the second argument.
arithmetic operator
Any of the following symbols: * (multiply), +, -, / (divide), %
(modulus), ++ (increment), -- (decrement), or - (negation). Arithmetic
operators are used with variables or numeric values in an expression, to
yield a mathematical result.
An experimental network established in the '70s where the theories and
software on which the Internet is based were tested. It is no longer in
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII defines the
codes the computer uses internally to store letters, numbers,
punctuation, and some control codes. Almost all UNIX computers use ASCII
(except for some mainframes).
(a) UNIX can run many programs at the same time. If a program runs behind
scenes, with no interaction with you, it runs in the background.
(b) On World Wide Web pages, the images that lie behind the text and main
images of the page. It can be a repeating pattern, a color, or just the
default gray color.
A spare copy of your data to keep on the shelf just in case. If you (or a
coworker) delete a file by mistake or if parts of your computer break,
you will be inexpressibly happy and smug if you have recently made a
backup copy of your important files.
When transmitting data, the number of times the medium's state
changes per second. For example: a 14,400 baud modem changes the signal
sends on the phone 14,400 times per second. Since each change in state
can correspond to multiple bits of data, the actual bit rate of data
transfer may exceed the baud rate. Also see bits per second.
A directory that contains programs on a UNIX system. Your home directory
probably has a subdirectory named bin. The system has directories called
/bin and /usr/bin.
The UNIX implementation of DNS. It stands for Berkeley Internet Name
A tiny piece of information that can be either a 1 or a 0. Bits tend to
get lumped into groups of eight bits, called bytes.
bits per second(bps)
The speed at which bits are transmitted over a communications medium.
Bourne Shell
The Bourne Shell is the most widely used UNIX shell. It prompts you with
$. Its program name is sh.
A version of UNIX developed and distributed by the University of
California at Berkeley. BSD stands for Berkeley Software
Common abbreviation in mail and news, meaning by the way.
A small storage area in which information is stored temporarily until it
is needed. Lots of things have buffers: printers frequently have buffers
to store the next few lines or pages to print; emacs (a text editor)
refers to its copies of the files you are editing as buffers.
Eight bits in a row. That is, a series of eight pieces of information,
each of which can be either 1 or 0. A little higher math tells you that
there are 256 different combinations of eight 1s and 0s. (256 is 2 to the
8th power). There are therefore 256 different values for a byte of
information. Most computers use a system of codes called ASCII to
determine what each pattern means. The combination 01000001 means A,
010000010 means B, and 00001010 means "end of the line, start a new
A programming language invented at the same time as UNIX, and in which
nearly all UNIX programs are written. C is a great programming language
for lots of reasons. C programs look a lot like random punctuation strewn
across the page.
C Shell
The C Shell is a UNIX shell written to look like the C programming
language, sort of. It prompts you with %. Its program name is csh.
(a) A computer disk that looks just like a music CD but contains data
than music.
(b) The device in a computer that reads CD ROM disks.
central processing unit (CPU)
The heart of the computers, the part that does the thinking (such as it
is). These days, in all but the largest computers, the CPU is contained
entirely on a little, black chip the size of your thumb and that costs
maybe $200. CPU chips are names by using numbers, like 68040 and 80486,
by using acronyms, like SPARC, or made-up names like Pentium.
A number computed by glomming together all the characters from an entire
file in a special mathematical way. If you are afraid that a file is
going to change, perhaps getting messed up by being transmitted across
noisy phone lines, you can calculate a checksum before and after
transmitting it. If you get the same checksum, the file probably didn't
Complex Instruction Set Computer; a type of CPU (central processing unit)
chip. Pronounced "kisk." The other kind of CPU is a RISC.
Commercial Internet Exchange; an agreement among network providers that
allows them to do accounting for commercial traffic. Although it has been
discussed a lot on the press, it's primarily a concern for network
"Clicking with a mouse" means moving the mouse until the cursor is on the
thing you want to select and then pressing and releasing the mouse
button. If your mouse has several buttons, use the leftmost button unless
otherwise instructed.
(a) A software application that works on your behalf to extract some
from a server somewhere on the network. Think of your telephone as a
client and the telephone company as a server to get the idea.
(b) In the X Window System and its relatives, Motif and OPEN LOOK, a
program that does real work, as opposed to a program that displays the
results on-screen.
client-server architecture
A system (used by the X Window System) that enables a program (the
client) to run on one machine while the program that displays its results
(the server) runs on another machine.
A word you type to get UNIX to do something. Actually, the UNIX shell
listens to the commands you type and tries to execute them. Some commands
are things the shell knows how to do. Other commands are separated
programs, stored in files on the disk. When you type a command, press
Enter or Return at the end of the line.
command mode
When you use the ed or vi text editors on UNIX machines, you are either
in command mode or input mode. In command mode, whatever you type is
interpreted as a command.
A way to shrink files so that they don't take up so much space. There are
many different file compression programs that do this, such as pkunzip,
compress, the GNU tape archive(tar), and others.
An old-fashioned term for "memory." In the '60s and '70s, mot memory
consisted of thousands of tiny metal donuts, called cores, strung on
arrays of teeny-tiny wires. Some UNIX enthusiasts still refer to memory
See central processing unit.
current directory
See working directory.
current job
The job you most recently starts or stopped. When you use jobs command to
list jobs, the current job is marked with a plus (+) sign.
The little indicator on your screen that shows where you are working. Its
shape depends on the program you are using. It may be a blinking
underscore, a box, an arrow, a little hourglass, a little pencil - almost
A process that runs around on its own to see to some housekeeping task on
a computer. Your computer, or some computer on your network, has a
printer daemon whose job is to print things waiting in the print
Defense Data Network; a portion of the Internet which connects to U.S.
Military Bases and contractors; used for non-secure communications.
MILNET is one of the DDN networks. It also runs the NIC, where a
lot of Internet information id archived.
A set of proprietary networking protocols used by Digital Equipment Corporation
operating systems, instead of TCP/IP. these protocols are not compatible
with the Internet.
dedicated line
See leased line.
For all practical purposes, another name for AFS. More specifically, DFS
refers to the AFS implementation that's part of the OSF's DCE
(Distributed Computing Environment).
(a) To connect to a computer by calling it up on the telephone. Often,
dial-up only refers to the kind of connection you make when using
a terminal emulator and a regular modem. For the technoids, switched
character-oriented asynchronous communication.
(b) A port that accepts dial-up connections. ("How many dial-up ports on
your computers?")
A collection of files with a name. A directory can be compared to a file
folder that contains one or more files. Directories can also contain
other directories. You can think of a directory as a work area because
one directory is always the current working director. Directories,
particularly directories contained in your home directory, sometimes are
called subdirectories.
Typically, a round flat thing on which information, or data, is recorded
in much the same way as you record stuff on a cassette tape.
A removable disk, also called a floppy disk.
display adapter
The thing inside your computer that lets it talk to your screen.
The Domain Name System; a distributed database system for translating
computer names (like www.ocsny.com) into numeric Internet addresses (like, and vice-versa. DNS allows you to use the Internet without
remembering long lists of numbers.
The (U.S.) Department of Defense, whose Advanced Research Projects Agency
got the Internet started by creating the ARPAnet.
An operating system patterned in some ways after UNIX. DOS runs on
"Double-clicking with a mouse" means moving the mouse until the cursor is
on the thing you want to use and then quickly pressing and releasing the
mouse button twice. It takes some practice to get the two clicks fast
enough but not too fast. If your mouse has several buttons, use the
leftmost button unless you are instructed otherwise.
"Dragging with a mouse" means moving the mouse until the cursor is on the
thing you want to drag, pressing and holding the mouse-button, moving the
mouse until the thing is where you want to drag it to (with the button
still down), and then releasing the mouse button. If your mouse has
several buttons, use the leftmost button unless you are instructed
dumb terminal
A terminal that has no processing power of its own. It usually doesn't
have any nice options either, like mice or screens that can do graphics.
See text editor.
electronic mail(email)
Typed messages sent on a computer network rather than on paper.
A kind of local area network. It's pretty confusing because there
are several different kinds of wiring, which support different
communication speeds ranging from 2 to 10 million bits per second. What
makes an Ethernet an Ethernet is the way the computers on the network
decide whose turn it is to talk. Computers using the TCP/IP are
frequently connected to the Internet over an Ethernet.
executable file
A file that UNIX can run like a program. AN executable file can contain
binary machine instructions the computer knows how to execute, or it can
contain a shell script (a list of UNIX shell commands) that UNIX
knows how to execute.
external command
A command the shell doesn't actually know how to do. Instead, a program
is stored in a file with the same name as the command. If you type the ed
command (to run the ed editor), for example, UNIX runs the program
contained by a file name ed.
Either a frequently-asked question, or a list of frequently asked
questions and their answers. Many USENET newsgroups, and some non-USENET
mailing lists, maintain FAQ lists (FAQs) so that participants won't spend
lots of time answering the same set of questions.
A bunch of information stored together with a name. A file can contain
text, programs, or data in any format.
file system
A set of files stored on a disk or on one partition of a disk. A file
system has one root directory that contains files and subdirectories.
These subdirectories can in turn contain files and other directories.
file transfer
Copying files from one computer to another.
A small UNIX program used with input or output redirection. The most
commonly used filters are the more and sort commands.
fixed disk
See disk.
See option.
A virulent and (often) largely personal attack against the author of a
USENET posting. Flames are unfortunately common. People who
frequently write flames are known as flamers.
floppy disk
A removable disk, also called a diskette.
A file that contains email messages you have decided to save.
A program currently able to talk to your terminal. Compares to programs
running in the background.
When UNIX starts a new process, it does so by closing an existing
The closing process is known in UNIX as forking.
A response to a USENET posting.
An organization to provide free Internet access to people in a certain
area, usually through public libraries.
(a) File Transfer Protocol; a protocol that defines how to transfer files
from one computer to another.
(b) An application program which moves files using the File Transfer
(c) A file-transfer program that enables you to log into another computer
and transfer files to and from your computer.
(a> A common abbreviation in mail and news, meaning for your
(b) A series of informative papers about the Internet; they're similar to
RFCs, but don't define new standards.
(a) A connection between one network and another, usually networks of
different types.
(b) A computer system that transfers data between normally incompatible
applications or networks. It reformats the data so that it is acceptable
for the new network (or application) before passing it on. A gateway may
connect two dissimilar networks, like DECnet and the Internet; or it
might allow two incompatible applications to communicate over the same
network (like mail systems with different message formats). The term is
often used interchangeably with router, but this usage is
A menu-based system for exploring Internet resources.
A graphical user interface. GUIs let you use the computer by
pointing at things with your mouse rather than typing commands. The most
common UNIX GUIs are Motif, OPEN LOOK, and the X Window System. GUIs are
sometimes called windowing systems. The World Wide Web is
basically one large GUI.
The physical components of your computer system, that is, the boxes. Your
computer hardware may include the computer, terminal, keyboard, screen,
modem, printer, mouse, trackball, disk drive and even a scanner.
The first part of an email message that contains the address of the
sender and the recipient, the subject, and lots of other stuff.
hidden file
A file within a filename that begins with a period. These files do not
appear on regular LS directory listings (in UNIX). Use ls -a to include
hidden files in a directory listing.
home directory
In UNIX machines, the directory you start in when you log in, usually a
subdirectory of /usr. You should keep your files in your home directory,
or in subdirectories of your home directory.
Huffman coding
A clever method of compressing information (like the stuff in your files)
so that it takes up less space.
The Internet Architecture Board; the ruling council that makes
decisions about standards and other important issues.
A little picture used in conjunction with a GUI. A well-designed icon is
supposed to be an obvious, unmistakable symbol of whatever it stands for,
occupy much less space than do the equivalent words, and be cute. In
practice, many icons are peculiar little pictures with no obvious
The Internet Engineering Task Force; a volunteer group that investigates
and solves technical problems, and makes recommendations to the IAB.
Common abbreviation in mail and news, meaning in my humble
impact printers
Printers that work by hitting a ribbon against the paper. They're
old-fashioned nowadays, but they still work.
See mailbox.
incremental backup
A backup copy of only the files that have changed since the last full
(a) Generally (not capitalized), any collection of distinct networks
working together as one.
(b) Specifically (capitalized), the world-wide network of networks
that are connected to each other, using the IP protocol and other similar
protocols. The Internet provides file transfer, remote login, electronic
mail, news and other services.
input mode
When you use the ed or vi text editors in UNIX, you are in either command
mode or input mode. In input mode, whatever you type is entered into the
Input and output, that is, information going into or coming out of a
program, computer, or other computer-type device.
I/O redirection
See redirection.
The Internet Protocol; the most important of the protocols on which the
Internet is based. It allows a packet to traverse multiple networks on
the way to its final destination.
The Internet Organization for Standardization; an organization that has
defined a different set of network protocols, called the ISO/OSI
protocols. In theory, the ISO/OSI protocols will eventually replace the
Internet protocols. When and if this will actually happen is a hotly
debated topic.
The Internet Society; a membership organization whose members support a
world-wide information network. It is also the governing body to which
the IAB reports.
Common abbreviation in mail and news, meaning Internet Service
A program you started from the shell that can start, stop and move
between foreground and background.
K (also KB or kilobyte)
A measure of memory or disk size which is 1,024 bytes of information.
This number happens to be 2 multiplied by itself 10 times, which is a
round number for computers.
The thing you type on to tell your computer what to do. there are many
different keyboards, with a wide variety of keys on them.
To stop a process from running.
A program or feature that works but that the author is embarrassed about.
Rhymes with "huge," not with "fudge." Sometimes misspelled as kluge.
An experimental information-retrieval tool; a robotic librarian.
Korn Shell
An enhanced version of the Bourne Shell, written by a guy named Korn. It
prompts you with a $. Its program name is ksh.
laser printer
A printer that works like a photocopying machine, except that, rather
than a paper original, the information to copy is drawn on the drum by a
Leased line
A permanently-connected private telephone line between two locations.
Leased lines are typically used to connect a moderate-sized local network
to an Internet service provider.
line editor
A text editor that deals with text one line at a time. Most modern text
editors let you see and work with the file an entire screen at a time.
ed program, in UNIX, is a line editor.
(a) The highlighted text or images used on the World Wide Web that take
you from one page to the next page when you double-clicking on them.
(b) An additional name for a file in UNIX. When you create a file, you
create its contents, which are stored on the disk somewhere, and you give
it a name, which is stored in a directory. There is a connection between
the filename and its contents. You can create additional filenames and
connect them to the same contents by using the ln command.
local mount
To logically connect several disk drives on the same machines so that
they appear as one file system.
log in
To identify yourself to the UNIX system and provide your password so that
UNIX believes that it's really you and lets you use the computer. You
have a login ID, or user ID, or user name, that is the name by which UNIX
knows you. When you finish working you log out.
On UNIX machines, a hidden file containing a shell script. If you use the
C Shell, this script runs automatically every time you log in.
login directory
See home directory.
A text based browser for the World Wide Web available on UNIX
M, MB, or Megabyte
A measure of memory and disk size that is 1,048,576 bytes, or 1K times
1K, or 2 multiplied by itself 20 times.
The file in which the electronic mail system puts your incoming mail.
mail reflector
A special mail address; electronic mail sent to this address is
automatically forwarded to a set of other addresses. typically they are
used to implement a mail discussion group.
man page
On UNIX machines, a short file of information about a UNIX command. The
man command displays manual pages about all UNIX commands and a few other
topics, although they usually are written in a hopelessly technoid
The storage area where the computer puts information it is working on
right now. This is useful for only short-term storage (like until
tomorrow). For long-term storage, computers put information on disks.
Also known as main memory or RAM.
A list of choices, usually commands, from which you can choose.
One of the DDN networks that make up the Internet; devoted to
non-classified military (U.S.) communications. it was built using the
same technology as ARPAnet, and remained in production when the ARPAnet
was decommissioned.
A piece of equipment that connects a computer to a data transmission line
(typically a telephone line of some sort). Normal people use modems that
transfer data at speeds ranging from 1200 bits per second(bps) to 19.2
Kps. There are also modems providing higher speeds and supporting other
media. These are used for special purposes - for example, to connect a
large local network to its network provider over a leased line.
See screen.
A GUI based on the X Window System and distributed by the Open Software
mounting directories
Logically attaching the root directory (UNIX) of one file system to some
other directory so that you can treat all the files in the file systems
as though they were subdirectories. Mounts can be local (on the
same machine) or remote (on a different machine).
A pointing device that lets you move the cursor on-screen. Mice are used
in conjunction with GUIs and the World Wide Web.
Rules of polite behavior on the Internet, particularly in email and
A bunch of computers connected by some combination of cables, phone
lines, satellites, or whatever. A network enables computers (and their
users) to share information and peripherals. The especially good for
sharing printers (so that you can all share one good but expensive laser
printer) and or passing around email.
An extremely cool GUI that runs on NeXt machines.
(a) The Network File System; a set of protocols that allows you to use
on other network machines as if they were local. Rather than using FTP to
transfer files to your local network, you would be able to read, write
and edit the file using the same commands as if it were local while it
remains of the remote machine. NFS was originally developed by
Sun Microsystems, Inc., and is
currently in widespread use.
(b) Network File System. A network system that lets you treat files the
on another computer in more or less the same way you treat files on your
own computer.
(a) Network Information Center; any organization that's responsible for
supplying information about any network.
(b) The DDN's NIC, which plays an important role in overall Internet
Network Information System. A database containing the user names, machine
names and directory names NFS use to give consistent names on all
machines on a network.
Network Operations Center; a group which is responsible for the
care and feeding of a network. Each service provider usually has a
separate NOC, so you need to know which one to call when you have
Novell NetWare
A network system that works on PCS, Macs, and UNIX machines.
The National research and Education Network; a U.S. effort to combine
networks operated by different federal agencies into a single high-speed
network. While this transition will be if significant technical and
historical importance, it should have no effect on the typical Internet
The National Science Foundation Network; the NSFNET is not the Internet.
It's just one of the networks that make up the Internet.
Internet standards-monger's lingo for a set of 8-bits, i.e., a
online service
A computer you can call, log in to, and use, usually for a fee per hour.
Some services provide a specific set of information: Lexis, for example,
provides legal information, Nexis provides news. Others provide general
information: CompuServe, Delphi, and Prodigy, for example, provide a wide
range of information, including weather, airline flights, and support for
many software programs. Others, like MCI Mail, provide simply electronic
mail (email).
A GUI based on the X Windows System and developed by USL.
operating system
A special program that controls the way the computer, keyboard, screen
and disks work together. UNIX is an operating system, as is DOS.
Known also as a flag or a switch. An option is something
that tells UNIX how to do a command. You type an option on the command
line after the name of the command, separated from the command by a
All options begin with a dash(-). The ls command used with the -l option,
for example, produces a file listing with more information about each
OSF (Open Software Foundation)
A source of UNIX-like and related software. Its best known products are
OSF/1 and Motif.
A version of UNIX from the Open Software Foundation.
Open Systems Interconnect; another set of network protocols. See
A bundle of data. On the Internet, data is broken up into small chunks,
called packets; each packet traverses the network independently.
Packet sizes can vary from roughly 40 to 32000 bytes, depending on
network hardware and media, but packets are normally less than 1500 bytes
parent directory
In UNIX, the directory that contains the current working directory. That
the current working directory is a subdirectory of the parent
A secret series of characters known only to you. You type your password
when you log in.
Instructions for how to get to a file. An absolute pathname tells
how to find a file beginning at the root directory and working down the
directory tree. A relative pathname tells you how to find the file
starting where you are now.
A personal computer, usually one running DOS.
Printer Control Language; understood by a variety of printers made by Hewlett Packard.
Something that lets the computer communicate with the outside world -
mainly with you. The keyboard, screen, mouse, printer, and modem are all
On UNIX machines, whoever has permission to look at, change, and execute
stuff in a file or directory.
The | character in UNIX, used to redirect the output of one command so
that it becomes the input of another command.
policy independence
A characteristic of the X Window System in which windows can look and act
any way the software developers want. This idea is the converse of the
idea that, if all the windows on your screen look and act in a similar
way, they will be easier for you to use.
(a> A number that identifies a particular Internet application. When your
computer sends a packet to another computer, that packet contains
information about what protocol it's using (e.g., TCP or UDP), and what
application it's trying to communicate with. The port number
identifies the application.
(b) One of a computer's physical input/output channels (i.e., a plug on
the back.).
Unfortunately, these two meanings are completely unrelated. The first is
more common when you're talking about the Internet (as in telnet to
port 1000); the second is more common when you're talking about
hardware (connect your modem to the serial port on the back of your
portable software
Software (programs) that can be run on a number of different kinds of
computers. UNIX is portable because it runs on an amazing number of
different types of computers.
The IEEE portable operating system interface. POSIX defines a family of
definitions of how parts of computer systems work with each other and,
incidentally, with users. POSIX is intended to look just like UNIX but to
be independent of any specific vendor. There are about a dozen members of
the POSIX family; the one most people are concerned with is 1003.2 (known
as "dot two") and the related user portability extension(UPE). Together,
they define the way the commands and shells work. A system that complies
with 1003.2 and UPE looks enough like UNIX to be familiar.
An individual article sent to a USENET news group; or the act of sending
an article to a USENET news group.
A computer language spoken by printers and the programs that communicate
with these printers, PostScript enables printers to print a wonderful
array of characters in all kinds of sizes and shapes, as well as
pictures. When a program wants to print something on a PostScript
printer, rather than just send the characters to print, it has to send a
PostScript program that tells the printer how to print the stuff.
Point to Point Protocol; a protocol that allows a computer to use the
TCP/IP (Internet) protocols (and become a full-fledged Internet member)
with a standard telephone line and a high-speed modem. PPP is a new
standard which replaces SLIP. Although PPP is less common than SLIP, it
is quickly increasing in popularity.
A machine that makes marks on paper, preferably representing the letters
or pictures you requested. There are many kinds of printers. The printer
may be connected to your computer; if you are on a network, it may be
connected to a computer elsewhere in your office. To find it, just listen
for the sound of printing or follow people around for a while.
A running program.
A hidden file that contains shell commands. If you use the Bourne of Korn
Shell, this file runs automatically every time you log in.
See software.
The character of characters displayed whenever UNIX (or some other
program) is waiting for you to type something. The two common UNIX
prompts are $ (if you use the Bourne or Korn Shell) or % (if you use the
C Shell).
A protocol is just a definition for how computers will act when talking
to each other. Protocol definitions range from how bits are placed on a
ware to the format of an electronics mail message. Standard protocols
allow computers from different manufacturers to communicate; the
computers can use completely different software, providing that the
programs running on both ends agree on what data means.
A cute, little gizmo in the upper left corner of an OPEN LOOK window. If
you push in the pushpin, it pins the window so that it stays open.
A waiting line, just as in real life. The most common queue is the print
queue, in which the output of a print command waits in line to get
Random-access memory. See memory.
A file can be read (copied, and so on) but not written (changed). UNIX
has a system of permissions that enables the owner of the file, the
owner's group, or all users to have or not have permission to read, write
or execute the file.
Right now, as opposed to whenever the computer gets around to it.
To hijack the output of a command, which is usually on-screen, and put i
somewhere else (this process is called out-put redirection).
Alternatively, you can use information from somewhere else as the input
a command (called input redirection) rather than take the input from the
keyboard. To redirect the output of a command to a file, use the >
character. To redirect the input of a command from a file, use the <
character. To redirect the output of one command to become the input to
another command, use the pipe (|) character.
remote login
Logging in to another computer from your own computer. This process
requires that your computer be on a network or have a phone-modem
connection to one.
remote mount
Using NFS to connect directories from disk drives on other machines so
that they appear as part of your file system.
request ID
The ID number of a print job as it waits in the print queue for the
printer daemon to get around to printing it. You need to know the request
ID if you want to cancel printing when, for example, the output is
horribly fouled up and wasting lots of paper.
Request for Comments; a set of papers in which the Internet's standards,
proposed standards and general agreed-upon ideas are documented and
Remote File Sharing. Like NFS, a program that lets you treat files on
another computer in more or less the same way as you treat files on your
own computer.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer. A type of CPU chip. Different from
See superuser.
root directory
The main, top-level directory on a disk. All the files on the disk are in
either the root directory or a subdirectory of the root directory (or a
sub-directory, and so on).
rotating backups
Not using the same tapes or floppy disks every time you make a backup.
By rotating among two, three, or more backup sets, you have a longer
history and a more reliable system.
A system that transfers data between two networks that use the same
protocols. The networks may differ in physical characteristics (e.g., a
router may transfer data between an Ethernet and a leased telephone
Common abbreviation in mail and news; meaning read the f#@#!#@
The TV-type thing that shows you what's going on in your computer. Also
called a monitor, CRT, and VDU. Some screens can display many colors;
others an do only one, usually green. Some screens can display pictures
(graphics); others can do only characters.
screen editor
A text-editor that deals with text an entire screen at a time. The vi and
emacs programs are screen editors.
See shell script.
Small Computer Systems Interface. A way to connect a disk drive to a
computer. A SCSI disk (pronounced "scuzzy") can connect to any
SCSI-compatible connector, used by many workstations, PCs, and Macs.
search path
A list of directories in which UNIX looks for programs.
See X server.
(a) Software that allows a computer to offer a service to another
computer. Other computers contact the server program by means of matching
client software.
(b) The computer on which the serer software runs.
service provider
An organization that provides connections to a part of the Internet. If
you want to connect your company's network, or even your personal
computer, to the Internet, you have to talk to a service
shar message
An email message that contains a shell script, which, when you run it,
re-creates one or more files. This is a clever way to send files through
On a UNIX system, software that accepts and processes command lines from
your terminal. UNIX has multiple shells available (e.g., C shell, Bourne
shell, Korn shell), each with slightly different command formats and
shell script
A file that contains a list of UNIX shell commands. You can run a shell
script, thereby telling UNIX to execute every command in the list.
A file, typically five lines long or so, that people often insert at the
end of electronic mail messages or USENET news articles. A signature
contains, minimally, a name and an email address. Signatures usually
often contain postal addresses, and often contains silly quotes,
and other things. Some are very elaborate, though signatures more than
5-6 lines are questionable in taste.
The / character UNIX uses in pathnames. A / by itself, or at the
beginning of a pathname, means the root directory of the file system.
Slashes are used also between one directory name and the next, and
between the directory name and the filename in long paths.
Serial Line IP; a protocol that allows a computer to use the Internet
protocols (and become a full-fledged Internet member) with a standard
telephone line and a high-speed modem. SLIP is being superseded by PPP,
but is still in common use.
Smiling faces used in mail and news to indicate humor and irony. The most
common smiley is :-). You'll also see :-(, meaning disappointment, and
lots of other variations. You'll pick up their connotations with
A mail system in which you print the message you want to send to another
person, address a paper envelope of the correct size to fit the
paper, insert the paper in the envelope, close the envelope, find a
postage stamp, and place the entire thing in a U.S. mail box. Many UNIX
and Internet users find email simpler, faster, and more convenient.
soft link
A link that contains the name of another file, which may be on another
file system. A soft link makes it look as though the file that might be
on another file system is in a directory on your own file system. Also
called a symbolic link.
A set of instructions (also called programs) that tell a computer to do
something. In contrast to hardware, which includes the physical
components of your computer, software is composed of information on a
A version of UNIX, based initially on BSD UNIX and later on System V
Release 4, distributed by Sun for use on Sun workstations and 486
A California-based research institute that runs the Network Information
Systems Center (NISC). The SRI has played an important role in
coordinating the Internet.
See directory.
superuser The user name (known as root) with
which you can do all sorts of dangerous things to the system, including
creating new user names and installing new hardware and software. With
luck, you don't know the password for the superuser. If you do, use it
carefully. The system administrator really should be the only person who
logs in as the superuser.
Release 4 (the latest major version) of UNIX System V. Contains more
features than any six people would ever want to use. The latest release
of SRV is SVR4.2 which is even more feature-packed than the
original version of SVR4.
See option.
switched access
A network connection that can be created and destroyed as needed. Dialup
connections are the simplest form of switched connections. SLIP or PPP
also are commonly run over switched connections.
system administrator
The person whose job it is to keep the computer, and possibly the
network, running.
System V
A version of UNIX developed and distributed by AT&T and later by UNIX
System Labs, which is now part of Novell.
A computer tape stores vast amounts of information but is not convenient
to use. Tapes are primarily used for making backup copies of information,
for which they are terrific. With luck, your system administrator backs
up your files regularly.
The Transmission Control Protocol. One of the protocols on which the
Internet is based. For the technoids, TCP is a connection-oriented
reliable protocol.
(a) A terminal emulation protocol that allows you to log in to
other computer systems on the Internet from your own computer.
(b) An application program that allows you to log in to another computer
systems using the telnet protocol.
A screen and keyboard connected to a computer somewhere else. The
terminal doesn't run UNIX and all those neat programs itself, it just
lets you use the computer that does.
terminal emulator
A program that enables a big, powerful computer to act like a dumb, cheap
terminal. Commonly, a PC can run a terminal emulator so that you can use
another computer running UNIX. UNIX includes a simple terminal emulator
called cu.
terminal output stop mode
A terminal setting in which a background job stops if it tries to send
anything to your screen.
text editor
A program that lets you create files of text and edit (or change) them.
The most common UNIX text editors are ed, vi, emacs, and pico.
text file
A file that contains lines of text. All the stuff in a text file must be
ASCII characters - no bizarre control code, data, programs, or the like.
You can use the cat command to look at a text file on-screen. If it looks
like it was written by Martians when you use the cat command to view
it, it's not a text file.
text formatter
A program that reads text files and creates nice-looking formatted
output. The most common UNIX text formatters are troff, nroff, and
time out
A time out is what happens when two computers are talking
and one computer - for any reason - fails to respond. The other computer
will keep on trying for a certain amount of time, but will eventually
give up.
A special version of the telnet program that interacts properly with IBM
Token Ring
A technology for creating a local area network that may be then
connected to the Internet. Token Ring networks often use the TCP/IP
protocols. See also, in relations, Ethernet.
A pointing device, equivalent to a mouse lying on its back, that lets you
move the cursor on the screen.
The User Datagram Protocol. Another of the protocols on which the
Internet is based. For the technoids, UDP is a connectionless unreliable
protocol. If you're not a technoid, don't let the word unreliable
worry you.
(a) A popular operating system that was very important in the development
of the Internet. Contrary to rumor, though, you do NOT have to use UNIX
use the Internet. There are various flavors of UNIX. Two common ones are
BSD and System V.
(b) An operating system written by a couple of people at Bell
Laboratories in 1972. They also wrote the C programming language. Since
then, several variants of UNIX have appeared, including BSD UNIX, System
V UNIX, and Xenix.
UNIX International (UI)
A consortium of computer vendors that supports System V and gives
guidance to USL.
UNIX System Laboratories (USL)
The organization that develops and maintains UNIX System V. Originally
owned primarily by AT&T, it is now part of Novell.
(a) The USENET is an informal, rather anarchic, group of systems that
exchange news News is essentially similar to bulletin
boards on other networks. USENET actually predates the Internet, but
these days, the Internet is used to transfer much of the USENET's
(b) A very large, very informal, very disorganized network through which
many megabytes of news, rumor, and gossip are distributed every day.
user name
The name by which UNIX knows you. You enter this name when you log in,
Also known as user ID or login ID.
A small, useful program. UNIX comes with some utilities like diff and
(a) UNIX-to-UNIX copy, a facility for copying files between UNIX systems,
which mail and USENET news services were built. While UUCP is still
useful, the Internet provides a better way to so the same job.
(b) The UNIX-to-UNIX copy program. One of the ways that mail, usenet
news, and random files can be sent between computers.
uuencoded file
An electronic-mail message format that contains a binary file disguised
as text. When you run the message through uudecode, the binary file is
reconstituted. This is a clever way to send binary files through
virtual memory
A sneaky trick by which UNIX, or Macs, or Windows machines pretend to
have more memory that they really do. When you are not looking, they copy
information from memory to the disk to free up space in memory. When you
need the information on disk, they copy it from the disk back into
memory. Virtual memory is generally invisible, except when a program
uses it too enthusiastically; then the computer spends all its time
copying stuff back and forth to disk and no time doing useful work, a
condition often called thrashing.
Wide-area information servers; a very powerful systems for looking up
information in databases (or libraries) across the Internet.
White Pages
Lists of Internet users that are accessible through the Internet. There
are several different kinds of white-pages servers and services.
A special character that acts like a joker when it is used in filenames
or pathnames. UNIX shells have two: * and
Translation: Windows, icons, and mouse pointing. See GUI.
A rectangular area of screen in which a program displays something. If
you use a GUI, you can have several windows on screen at a time, each
displaying a different program.
window manager
The program (lie OPEN LOOK or Motif) that gives the screen the overall
look of a GUI.
A person who knows more about UNIX than the average bear.
word processor
A program that lets you create documents - files that contain text,
pictures, and formatting codes. UNIX word processors include WordPerfect
and Microsoft Word.
working directory
The directory you are working in. The pwd command tells you your working
A computer with a big screen, a keyboard, and a mouse. If it runs UNIX,
it's called a workstation if it runs DOS, it's called a PC. And, if it
runs Macintosh System, it's called a Mac.
World-Wide Web
A hypertext-based system for finding and accessing Internet
A common abbreviation used in mail and news, meaning World Wide
X server
A program that draws the pictures and displays the text on-screen if you
use the X Windows System or a GUI based on X.
X terminal
A terminal that can act as an X server so that you can use the X Windows
System, Motif, or OPEN LOOK. It has a little computer in it to do the
X-specific stuff.
X Windows Systems (X)
A GUI designed at MIT. Two other major HUIs, Motif and OPEN LOOK, are
based on X.
A version of UNIX developed by Microsoft and now maintained and
distributed by SCO (Santa Cruz Organization).
Yellow Pages
See NIS.