Is space really infinite ??
Or are we just telling ourself that so we won't go insane
when we think about what lies beyond the edge of the universe ???


Somewhere in the infinite universe there is a small blue and white stone.
On this rock there are an infinite number of moving objects, infininitly differend from one and another.
Still they share an infinite amount of things: they breath the same air,
share the same sunlight and are all bound by the rock's graffity field.

But not anymore !! One of the infinite species, with an infinitive imagination, has found a way to escape from the rock
In small tin cans lifted by a stream of fire they shoot themselves into infinite space
To fly in circle's around the rock or to fly to a rock that itself circle's their rock...

Machines are even send further into infinity
This race is trying to prove it's not all alone....

But if they do..
If they find others

Will the result be a glorious future for this curious race ?
Shall there be peace for the infinite creatures ?

Or will it result in a devastating war ?
Will it be the end of this race ?

Only time will tell